Perhaps you were called for such a time as this
Esther Chapters 1-8
This might be one on of the longer and more detailed devotions, but it was just difficult to shorten. So many of the highlighted details felt important and hard to leave out, so grab a cup of coffee, your bible, and settle in because you too just might be called for such a time as this. . .
Have you ever found yourself in a place or a situation where you were surrounded by people but not sure how you fit or if you belonged? Maybe in a place where you were not surrounded by a lot of what we like to call Like-minded people and you felt out of place. Maybe you were concerned that if the others knew just how different you were you would be cast out of the group, ridiculed for your beliefs, or even worse in some way punished. Maybe you felt God had you in that place, but you just couldn’t figure out the purpose or the plan.
Esther found herself in a similar position. When reading through the first chapter of the book of Esther we see King Ahasuerus become unhappy with Queen Vashti. The Queen had refused to present herself before the king when she was called. The king consulted with his men, and it was decided that due to the queen’s refusal of the king’s request she would be removed from her thrown never to see the king or the palace again. In Chapter two is where we get to meet Esther and the story begins. Esther is described as an orphan. Her parents died when she was younger and her uncle, Mordecai had raised her. Mordecai was described as a Jewish man that had been taken into exile from Jerusalem under the ruling of King Nebuchadnezzar. But, Mordecai saw the beauty of Esther and wanted more for her, so when the decree went out that the king would be looking for a new queen, Mordecai sent Esther to be put before the king. Mordecai told Esther though, don’t tell anyone of your ethnicity. Ethnicity? Yes, but her ethnicity was much more than where she was from or a demographic section on an application. Her specific ethnicity that was discussed was also her faith. Her faith in God that separated her from the others at the king’s palace including the king.
In Chapter 2 we see Esther go through the year long process before she is put before the king. In verses 16-18 we see that Esther found favor in the eyes of the king and was chosen above all the other women to be the King. She had still not revealed the biggest part of her identify, her faith!
The story continues in Chapter three when a man named Haman devises a plan to kill all the Jewish people within the King’s territory. Why? Because of Mordecai. Yep! Esther’s uncle. See Mordecai cared about his niece so while she was at the king’s palace he stayed in the courtyard keeping check to ensure she was ok. Haman however was a man that had been promoted in rank by the king and all the people were ordered to bow down to him. When Haman would go out to the king’s gate to the courtyard Mordecai would never bow down to him. Now while the bible does not offer any explanation in these verses, I can only assume this is because of Mordecai’s faith as a Jew. This infuriated Haman to the point that he went before the King and asked if it pleased the king that all the Jewish people be executed. He had a certain day of a certain month planned out and attack devised. The king agreed because Haman painted a picture of the Jewish people as those who are separating themselves from the king’s people, not following the laws, and a group that would be best just not tolerated. The king obliged and the evil plan was set into place again Mordecai and all of his people. Little did the king know this actually included his own Queen. Little did the king also know that this was set into motion as a direct result of Mordecai, a man who had recently saved the king’s life. Saved the king’s life you say? Yes! In Chapter 2 verses 19-23 we see that by staying in the king’s courtyard daily he overheard a plan to kill the king. Mordecai was able to get word sent to the king by Esther that saved his life. But yet, here is Mordecai and all his people at risk of being the ones killed now.
You might be growing in-patient with me and wondering what does this have to do with being called to a purpose or being surrounded by people of indifference. Well, here we go. . .
In Chapter 4 Mordecai sends word to Esther pleading with her to go before the king and ask that he save the Jewish people. Esther is scared. She says I can’t just go before the king. She sends word to Mordecai that if anyone tries to go before the king without being summoned that they could be executed right then. I’m sure she remembers she is now queen because the king didn’t tolerate the former queen just not coming to him when he called, so she knows that the king does not spare any punishment just for his queens. Esther also probably realizes that if the king finds out she too is one of the Jewish people set to be executed and she does not find favor with him then she could face even worse trials. I can almost imagine Esther already being fearful of being found out now being placed in this position is like , “Nah. I don’t think that’s going to work!”
But, Mordecai replies to Esther in 4:14 and says “ Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this” (CSB)
Mordecai says, but it could work! What if God allowed you to be chosen and put in this place surrounded by all these people who don’t think like you or believe like you just so that you can stand up for God and his people. Maybe God needed you right where you are for this purpose and now is your time.
In Chapter 5 we see Esther dress in her royal clothing and go before the king. In verse 2 we see that as soon as the king saw Queen Esther she found favor with him and in verse 3 he asked her what she wanted and said he would grant it. The chapter goes on to tell the story of how Esther asked the king and Haman to a banquet. The banquet was held but Esther still did not ask of the king to spare the Jewish people. She asked that they return for a second banquet. Haman left the first banquet feeling good. The bible says he went home that evening, but as he passed by Mordecai he became enraged even more. He went home prideful telling his family of how the king and queen had invited him to a banquet, but that it wasn’t enough for him. He wanted revenge on Mordecai. So, he had gallows built at his own home and a plan to have Mordecai hung after the second banquet, but Esther had other plans.
In Chapter 7 we see God at work. God is at work in the big picture plan that Esther still does not know. See the king is made aware of how Mordecai has saved his life recently and realized nothing has been done to reward Mordecai of this. The king calls Haman and has Haman be the one to deliver the rewards to Mordecai. Can you imagine how this is just continuing to fuel the fire of evil inside of Haman? The chapter goes on to tell how his family even warns Haman that now he will not get away with this plan and that this will be his downfall, but his pride has him push on.
Chapter 7- The second banquet happens. Haman is at the feast and the king asks the queen what he can do for her. This is when the queen finally speaks up and speaks out for her people. She makes known her faith and her people’s faith and asks for Mordecai and all the Jewish people’s lives to be saved. The king had not connected the dots that the plan Haman had put before him and what Esther brought before him was the same. He asked Esther who has devised such a plan and Esther in verse 8 tells the king it is Haman.
The remainder of chapter 8 discusses the king’s anger and how he avenges Haman by hanging him on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.
As you read through chapter 8 we see that Haman’s plan is overthrown and the Jewish people are told to fight back and save themselves when the attack is launched on their people.
Esther was put in a place surrounded by people that not only did not know her faith but did not share her faith. To take it a step further, the Jewish people were still looked down upon within the kingdom and were facing execution. Esther questioned her ability or her purpose when Mordecai sent word to her asking her to stand up for her people. She feared her own potential execution or whatever other form of punishment the king would bestow upon her for her faith. But Mordecai said, perhaps this is your purpose. Perhaps this is your calling and your purpose from God. When Esther stepped out in faith God went before her and prepared the way, delivered her, and used her works to save the people. Sometimes we might find ourselves in an uncomfortable place surrounded by people who not only do not share with us our faith, but if they knew just how different we were they might challenge us, put us down, try to cast us out of the group, or even find ways to punish us. There are many scenarios in this world we might find ourselves questioning why we are finding ourselves in that type of situation, but perhaps it is because you were called to that position for a purpose to be used by God when the time is right.
Now I am not saying we should intentionally place ourselves in groups of people or in places that fill us with temptation or are not good for our own spiritual well being just to be there. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 we are actually warned that surrounding ourself with bad company can corrupt our good habits. But we also see that in Mathew 9;10-12 Jesus is found sitting at a table with sinners and tax collectors and when he is asked why he is eating with them his reply is “ For I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (V 12-CSB) Jesus knew he was in a room of people that did not believe in him and went against his word, but He did not run from their potential ridicule because He was called to his royal position for such a purpose and a time to call lost sinners.
If you are in a position where you are struggling. You are surrounded by people who do not believe like you and you feel you can’t be your true faithful self then seek out God and His purpose for you. “Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) and God is planning to use you in some way to serve His kingdom.
Perhaps you just feel God placing a calling on your heart. Leading you to do some type of work for Him but you are questioning yourself. I have found myself running from what I was feeling called to do. Intimidated, fearful, thinking but why me, what about me is worthy enough to do this work. Don’t be afraid of what God is calling you to do. He will go before you and help prepare the way, and if He is calling you and you surrender yourself to be used by Him then He will do the work for you, through you!