Are you taking him with you or did you leave him at your tent of meeting - HaVE YOU STOPPED TO CAMP IN A WHILE?

I think it is fascinating that when reading the book of Exodus we see God provided Moses with such strict instructions on building the Ark of The Covenant and the Tabernacle. He spoke to Moses through different chapters of Exodus and told Moses exactly how it should be built, who could come into the Tabernacle, what was to be sacrificed and how, and how God was to be worshipped. The Ark of the Covenant and The Tabernacle was sacred and special. God gave the people of Israel gifts and talents to help in the building of the tabernacle to support Moses. In Exodus 25: 22 we see the significance of the Ark. The bible says that God told Moses, “ I will meet with you there above the mercy seat, between the cherubim that are over the ark of the testimony; I will speak with you from there about all that I have commanded you regarding the Israelites.”  God intended for the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle to be the first devoted place of worship through sacrifice and devoted place for God to dwell with Moses and the people. The place where God would speak to Moses to provide instruction for him and the lives of the Israelites.

                  In Chapter 40 it is done. The Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, the tent of meeting is complete.  The bible says over and over that Moses did as the Lord had commanded and then in verse 33 it says that Moses finished the work ( I think there is a lesson in the just how many times the bible proclaims that Moses did as the Lord commanded, but maybe we come back to that) . The chapter close with a description of the Glory of the Lord entering the tabernacle. It says that the Glory of the Lord was seen as a cloud over the tabernacle covering it by day and lighting it with fire by night. The presence of God was in the tabernacle!!  It was in the tent of meeting as it is described in verse 34. This same cloud by day and fire by night was also discussed in Chapter 13: 20-22 when The bible says that the Lord went ahead of the Israelites as a Pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. The Prescence of the Lord went ahead of them and never left them.  So, the presence of the Lord was with the people continually, but at the end of chapter 40 there was now a bit of separation. At the end of the chapter God tells Moses that the people of Israel should camp and be still when the cloud was down upon the tabernacle, but to take up the tent and carry on their journey when the cloud was lifted. Again, the cloud or the Presence of the Lord went before them as a cloud by day and went before them as fire by night to light the way.

                  As I was reading this I was thinking about how ornate and beautiful the tabernacle must have been. When you read Exodus starting in chapter 25 you get to see all the details discussed and it paints a beautiful picture of what this would have looked like. I also thought about the beautiful picture of God’s presence with them.  Then I began to think about many of our churches today, Many of our church buildings offer beautiful details and offer us a place to go to make sacrifices to the Lord and be present with His Spirit. But what happens when we walk away from the church building, the tent of meeting for today? Many people look at that building as the place that houses the Spirit of the Lord and God’s presence. Many people unfortunately leave God there.  They fail to take Him out on their journey with them. I also thought about how many people do not stop to be still and camp with God, whether that is in a church building or a designated place and time you set aside to be still and devoted to praying and studying God’s word.

                  God called the Israelites to be still with Him to receive His words and dwell in His presence at designated times, but then he also instructed them to pick up their tent and follow His presence. The presence of God was with them continually day and night. I think there are two important reminders to this devotion this morning. God’s presence is not only found when you stop to be still with Him at your tent of meeting. His spirit is not there to only guide you during your devoted time of being still with Him. We should not walk away from church, or your bible study and prayer time leaving God there on the pages of the bible to dwell until you return to be still with Him again. We should be continually seeking to follow His presence in our lives. But also, even if you are continually seeking God’s will and following His presence daily, He still calls us to be still and camp with Him. He called the Israelites to camp with the tent and stop their journey to be intentionally present with Him. Have you camped in the tent of meeting with Him recently. Have you stopped to be present with the Lord and allow Him the space to dwell with you and speak to you?


